Do varicose vein treatments work?

YES! Varicose vein treatments are effective at reducing or eliminating varicose veins and their associated symptoms. 

The specific treatment that is best for you will depend on the size and location of your varicose veins, as well as your overall health and medical history.

Some common treatments for varicose veins include:

1. Endovenous thermal ablation: This minimally invasive procedure to treat varicose veins uses heat to seal the failed vein, causing it to collapse and eventually disappear.  There are currently two types of thermal ablation - radiofrequency ablation (RFA/Closure) and laser ablation (EVLT/EVLA).  This type of treatment is typically used on the large, straight sources of venous reflux beneath the skin called saphenous veins.

3. Varithena:  This procedure involves injecting a proprietary microfoam medication into the diseased varicose veins in order to damage the lining of the veins.  The vein collapses closed and eventually breaks down. 

2. Endovenous adhesive ablation:  This minimally invasive procedure (Venaseal) to treat varicose veins uses a medical adhesive to seal the failed vein, causing it to collapse and eventually disappear. 

2. Sclerotherapy: This treatment involves injecting a special solution into the affected vein, which causes it to collapse and eventually be absorbed by the body.  This may be performed on large varicose veins which can be treated with ultrasound guided foam sclerotherapy.  A form of this treatment may also be performed to inject spider veins.

3. Vein stripping: This surgical procedure involves removing the affected vein through a small incision in the leg.  This treatment has largely been abandoned in favor of less invasive techniques.

4. Surface laser treatment: This treatment uses a laser to seal the affected vein, causing it to collapse and eventually disappear.  The laser light is absorbed by the vein and it heats up.  This may work on smaller spider veins, but sclerotherapy is still considered the most effective means of treating these veins.

All of our treatment options here at Aleman Vein Center are minimally invasive and do not require sedation. Most often, you can drive yourself home or back to work and resume normal activities right away.

It is important to keep in mind that varicose veins, like most diseases we treat in medicine, is a chronic and progressive condition. At this point, nobody has a permanent cure. While varicose vein treatments are generally effective at permanently treating the failed veins, there is a chance that new varicose veins may develop in the future. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a healthy diet, can help reduce your risk of developing new varicose veins.


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