Varicose Vein Evaluation
Consultation for Vein Disease
At your first visit, our vein specialist will examine your veins, review your concerns, and educate you on your condition and varicose vein treatment options. We will work with you to determine the best vein treatment for your particular situation.
An ultrasound map of the veins is often indicated in order to get the most accurate information about your underlying anatomy and condition. The ultrasound is used to see and test the veins that are below the skin surface. This is the detailed information needed to tailor the best vein treatment plan that is specifically formulated for you and your unique anatomy. The exam is non-invasive and painless. It is performed in the office. During the study, warm ultrasound gel is applied to the leg and the ultrasound probe is used to test the function of the veins beneath the surface. You will stand while the ultrasound tech squeezes your calf and watches the blood flow in the veins. A diagram of the veins depicting the areas of normal and abnormal flow is drawn which is what we call the ultrasound map. After the ultrasound of the veins is completed, we will review the findings with you in detail. If treatment is indicated, we will review options and answer any questions you may have.
The accuracy of the ultrasound is critical and it should be performed and interpreted by a team with extensive experience focused on venous disease. Think of the ultrasound as the foundation of everything that comes later. If the ultrasound isn’t performed well, then any vein treatments will not give the desired results. Just as a house built on a poor foundation doesn’t hold up, a treatment plan built on a poor diagnostic ultrasound doesn’t hold up well.
Aleman Vein Center is an Accredited Facility in Vascular Testing by the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC). All of our sonographers and our physician are Registered Vascular Technologists. Dr. Aleman is a Registered Physician in Vascular Interpretation. While these terms can sound confusing, they indicate that you can rest assured that the team here has passed the most rigorous testing to obtain and maintain credentials which indicate the highest qualifications and standards to perform and interpret your test results.
We frequently come across patients that were given wrong information or did not get relief with previous treatments because the ultrasound was not performed properly. The ultrasound should be performed while standing so that the function of the one way valves against gravity can be properly evaluated. If you were evaluated previously and told that you “don’t have anything wrong” with your veins, it is possible that the ultrasound could have been performed incorrectly. It is essential to have a sonographer and vein specialist that are experienced in detailed ultrasound mapping. This skill comes with extensive training focused on venous insufficiency. This training is often missing from the traditional vascular surgery education, which is focused on the treatment of diseased arteries. Many vascular surgery practices or other vein practices literally don’t know what they’re missing. If any of those scenarios sound familiar to you, we would be happy to see you for a second opinion.
When performing an ultrasound for varicose veins or venous insufficiency, the patient must be standing in order to get accurate results.